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Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

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Polymorphic Serum

Those unfamiliar with polymorphic serum often believe the churning, neon-green liquid to be toxic or radioactive at first glance. When created, each polymorphic serum is assigned a specific polymorphed form, as described by a polymorph spell of the serum’s level. All decisions regarding this polymorph form, such as whether it is a generic or a specific form, are determined when the serum is created. Any creature imbibing a polymorphic serum changes into the serum’s associated form for 2 hours × the serum’s mark (2 hours for mk 1, 4 hours for mk 2, and so on). If you are unwillingly subjected to a polymorphic serum (such as through a weapon with the injection special property), you can attempt a Fortitude save to negate this effect (DC = 10 + 1-1/2 × the item’s level). If you fail, you can still dismiss the effect as normal for the polymorph spell.


Serums are vials of magic liquid that you can imbibe as a standard action or carefully trickle down the throat of a helpless or unconscious creature as a full action. Serums are normally 1 ounce of liquid (though it is possible to make serums with larger volumes, these are no more effective than standard serums), and lose potency if they are mixed with any other material. A serum can be used only once. Regardless of a serum’s actual item level, all serum vials have their hardness and Hit Points calculated as if they were 1st-level items.

Polymorphic Serum, Mk 5

Source Character Operations Manual pg. 126
Level 15; Price 18,000; Bulk

Polymorphic Serum, Mk 1

Source Character Operations Manual pg. 126
Level 3; Price 250; Bulk

Polymorphic Serum, Mk 2

Source Character Operations Manual pg. 126
Level 6; Price 675; Bulk

Polymorphic Serum, Mk 3

Source Character Operations Manual pg. 126
Level 9; Price 2,100; Bulk

Polymorphic Serum, Mk 4

Source Character Operations Manual pg. 126
Level 12; Price 5,700; Bulk

Polymorphic Serum, Mk 6

Source Character Operations Manual pg. 126
Level 18; Price 60,000; Bulk